Meet Our Miracles
DQ East Market St and DQ Roosevelt Ave have been giving to kids on the trauma floors at Penn State Children’s Hospital for over 30 years. In the last couple of years we have learned how much more we can raise for kids fighting for their lives right in our home town. CMN (Children’s Miracle Network) is a national organization that partners with local children’s hospital to save kids lives. Every dollar we raise stayer right here in Central PA and goes to kids at Penn State Children’s Hospital. The money is used for research, equipment and family care. Learn more about CMN here:
Official 2019 Miracle: Gannon
Gannon and John Miller at DQ Roosevelt. Gannon just finished painting his ceiling tile as the official DQ Roosevelt Miracle of 2019!
Gannon, Age 5, York Haven, PA
Loves the Philadelphia Eagles, Buzz Lightyear and Woody from Toy Story! His favorite treat at DQ is French Fries.
Gannon was delivered by emergency C-section on December 11, 2013. When Gannon was born he was 12 weeks premature and weighed only 13 ounces. Gannon was transferred to Penn State Children’s Hospital by a pediatric ambulance for a Tracheostomy. The doctors did not think he would survive, but he did earning him the nickname “Warrior Gannon, Jr.”. After spending 225 days in the NICU he was allowed to go home. Today “Warrior Gannon, Jr.” continues to defy the odds and is a thriving 5 year old little boy.
Our favorite verse verse is “For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not of yourselves, for it is a gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8. Because, if it wasn’t for the gift of life, grace and love that God provides us each and everyday; Gannon wouldn’t be here. So this is a verse we recite every morning and evening. We will forever sing praises to our God.
Official 2018 Miracle: Maddie
Madeline, Age 3, was saved by Penn State Children's Hospital when she was run over by a car. CMN was there for every moment caring for her, her family, equipment and funding research.
Maddie, Age 4, York, PA
Maddie loves going to the park, playing Barbies with her sister Abby and playing with her dog Cooper. Maddie’s favorite DQ Blizzard is M&M.
Life can change in an instant. It certainly did for Madeline. On October 27, 2015 Madeline’s babysitter accidentally forgot to put Madeline in the car and backed the car over her. Madeline was flown by Life Lion to Penn State Children’s Hospital where she was diagnosed with lacerations to her lungs, kidney, and liver and multiple pelvic and foot fractures. She spent eight days in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. After just a few days at home, she was readmitted for an infection and needed a chest tube placed to receive antibiotics.
Today, Madeline is doing well! She is back to walking and jumping and no longer needs physical therapy. She loves Sesame Street, especially Cookie Monster. She is so excited to participate in 2018 Blizzard Run.
Madeline is proof that accidents happen, but so do miracles!
Donations to Children’s Miracle Network support equipment, research and programs to give kids like Madeline the #GiftofGrowingUp. Thank you!
Official 2017 Miracle: Corbin
Corbin with John Miller from DQ. Corbin is a fighter, beating all odds as a baby, and now continuing to grow into an amazing man!
Corbin, Age 14, York, PA
He loves tacos, sushi, playing baseball and is now able on the wrestling team at his school.His favorite DQ Blizzard is one of our limited summer flavors: Summerberry!
Corbin Hutchison was born with an underdeveloped diaphragm causing his stomach, intestines, liver, and spleen to travel up into his chest cavity. His chance of survival was slim. Corbin was placed on anExtracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) machine that was purchased by Children’s MiracleNetwork. ECMO served as Corbin’s heart and lungs, and without it, he would not have survived a flight to the next available hospital.
Around Corbin’s 1st birthday, he had a check-up. As his mom Mason shares, “We were greeted by the doctor with a box of tissues. I was nervous until he said ‘We don’t know how, but your son is perfect. He is a true miracle child and we don’t need to see him anymore.’ The doctor began to tear up and helped himself to a tissue. It was that kind of genuine care that we received throughout the entire ordeal. I am forever grateful to Penn State Children’s Hospital and Children’s Miracle Network!”
Today, Corbin is 14 and doing great!
Official 2016 Miracle: Zoe
Zoe with John Miller from DQ. Zoe is one of the sweetest people you have ever met! She is full of joy and a deep love for other people.
Zoe, Age 14, York, PA
She loves God, her family and the beach. Her favorite DQ Blizzard is Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough!
When I was born I was transported from one area hospital to the York Hospital NICU for emergency bowel surgery. It was during my recovery from surgery that the NICU doctors discovered that I had liver dysfunction. After a one month stay I was released to Penn State Hershey Medical Center. After many appointments and tests at 6 months of age I was diagnosed with a rare disease known as Alagille Syndrome. I have had countless surgeries and visited many specialties at the Penn State Hershey Medical Center. The doctors at Hershey and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia have helped me with Alagille syndrome so that I am able to thrive today. I aspire to become a dental hygienist and work in the missions field. Through our troubles, trials and tribulation we gain strength.